Why We're Good >

“Staff plan exciting activities to stimulate children's imagination and curiosity.”
Why We're Good >

“Leaders have a strong vision for the nursery and continually strive to support the developing staff team..”
Why We're Good >

“Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported well. Staff are patient, nurturing and attend to children's needs. They work with parents and other professionals to implement tailored teaching and care routines. All children make good progress and are developing their skills for future learning..”
Why We're Good >

“Leaders and staff have a good knowledge and understanding of their roles and responsibilities to safeguard children. Effective systems are in place to record and monitor accidents. All staff have completed safeguarding training and demonstrate a good understating of what to do should they have concerns about children's safety. There are robust recruitment procedures in place and new staff are monitored throughout their induction period..”